Thursday, April 26, 2012

Five Interesting Answers to Life's Most Common Questions

Life is all about questions and experiences - nothing more. So don't obsess too much on collecting any other possessions because they will not remain relevant for long. What you need to do is orient yourself to answers that will add more sense to your life and lead you to more important queries. Only then can you really assure yourself of a happy and satisfying life. To get you started on this quest, here are a few questions and answers that will make your life more meaningful.

1. Can love last a lifetime? It may seem like a silly question that warrants a fairy tale answer, but there have actually been studies made to test the sustainability of such an emotion. The answer is, without proper maintenance, no. Romantic love is associated with chemical changes in the brain and its effects often only last for 12 to 18 months. After that, people are left to cope with their own devices. Unless they are able to re-stimulate the same chemical reaction, they are bound to suffer a fall out.

2. When do you know what you are supposed to do with your life? This used to just be solely an angst-ridden adolescent's question. But now, even people way past their adulthood are seeking resolutions. The answer is any moment. There is no exact calling that a person must adhere to for the rest of his or her life because he or she changes as the years go by. New preferences arise. New passions develop. Old ones may die out. So there's nothing to be ashamed about having changed your career option 10 times within the span of 20 to 30 years. Besides, a job is just something you do. It doesn't define your whole existence. So it makes sense that you are always questioning where you go and how you go about life at every turn.

3. Can a half-empty individual transform his or her self into someone half-full? Meaning, can a pessimistic person be optimistic? The answer all depends on training. Since it is a behavioural and cognitive based trait, there is a chance that transformation can occur as far as point of view and reaction is concerned. But that is only possible if the person subjects him or herself intently to a program. We are learning species. And as much as a dog can be reprogrammed to stop doing unhealthy habits, so can humans.

4. Can money buy happiness? The answer is obvious - NO - and it's all because happiness isn't for sale. It is an experience that is neither influenced by nor instigated directly by cash. Money may be able to buy things that could bring you comfort, security, and excitement. But they don't add up to happiness. To further support this claim, just think about the moments that bring you genuine peace and satisfaction from a place of darkness. They don't involve money now, do they?

5. When is it okay to tell a secret? If it's yours to tell, then it's fine. If it isn't, they you are going to break basic social etiquette.

If you'd like to read more answers to common questions, you could visit websites that cater specifically these information.

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